Melee Weapons ||Slugthrowers || Gauss Weapons || Plasma Sprayers || Lasers || Masers || Tanglers || Neural Scramblers || Blasters || Needlers || Disintegrators || Ion Weapons

LASER (Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation) weapons became practical when small, extremely efficient power sources were developed. The laser beam is coherent monochromatic light, and is less effective against countermeasures to refract or disperse it, such as smoke or fog. Each shot discharges an internal capacitor, so these weapons fire short pulses rather than a continuous beam.

MODELOCVRModDamageSTUN ModSTR MinShotsActive PtsReal CostMass
0.25kw Derringer+1+01d6KAPE+051630130.5
2.0 kw Pistol+1+02d6KAPE+073261271.0
2.0 kw Assault Rifle (A)+1+22d6KAPE+05/964102452.0
16 kw LMG (A)+1+43d6KAPE+011/16125170754.0
128 kw MMG (A,*)+1+44d6KAPE+0-250231848.0
1.0 Mw HMG (A,*)+1+45d6KAPE+0-50029910916.0
8.0 Mw Lt Cannon (A,N,1,*)+1-6d6KAPE+0-100042715532.0
64 Mw Med Cannon (A,N,2,*)+1-7d6KAPE+0-200057721064.0
500 Mw Hvy Cannon (A,N,3,*)+1-8d6KAPE+0-4000750273128.

Notes: -1DC per 2" of Fog or Smoke (-�)


All weapons are OAF unless otherwise indicated

Note that STR Min is -10 With Bipod (minimum STR Min min is 5).