"Bold and Brassy" - An autobiographical account of the doings of Count Basil De Brass, gentleman adventurer, as related by him to the brain in the jar, by means of his superior mental powers

Entry Number 4: On the proper management of demons and their baser impulses

Now, it will come as no surprise to you to know that I am widely acclaimed in certain circles as an arbiter of behaviour that is correct and becoming in a gentleman of stature, (or in my case of course in a gentleman who mostly lacks it).

So I will freely admit to falling into error, but not I hope vulgar error, in some points relating to my last communication. Particularly respecting the doubts I expressed regarding our aimless wandering through this vast and trackless swamp, and the suitability of this approach in contributing towards the achievement of our noble goals, whatever these may in fact be. (Talis seems to be most upset when I talk about rescuing "the lady demon that she currently worships").

No, it does not hurt a gentleman to admit his errors, and I do so generously, and open handedly - or at lest I would do if I could actually open both hands, which of course I cannot- but I am sure you take my meaning. Its not as if I have ever claimed much expertise when it comes to the traversing of swamps anyway- there being something not entirely proper about the notion, what with swamps being so intensely biological and my own nature being somewhat the opposite.

You see, it turns out that Talis and Pandora and the others were quite correct to act on what seemed to me to be somewhat incomprehensible impulses to strike out boldly with no plan whatsoever into this nightmarish, trackless mire. It must have seemed inevitable to them that we would find a group of sword brethren to follow - and that indeed as I correctly surmised (being wiser in the ways of men than I am in the ways of swamps!) that the sword brothers would have some means of navigating the stinking miasma that currently encompasses us.

Pon reflection, it is most amusing to contemplate that this impossible set of scallywags, are bearing all unwittingly with them the seeds of their own inevitable destruction, as they most assiduously combat the denizens of this dank and treacherous swamp. In doing so they pursue their own nefarious purpose, but also aid our own more noble ambitions.

Which is not to say of course that our own passage has been easy. We seem to have lost both our elves again, though truth to tell there was not that much of them left to lose anyway after their last brush with death.

Once again it was all to do with breathing and not being made of brass, which you will recall are matters that I have raised afore-times in these discourses, and which I think you will agree should warrant much more attention from those who lay claim to an adventurous disposition.

When the stirge things attacked us my natural inclination was to issue a stirring and ringing challenge. It was of course the dead of night, and I felt that a proper challenge, forthrightly delivered would lift our spirits after all the unmanly skulking about that we had been doing, what with the sword brethren following and all.

Then it occurred to me that this was possibly not the best course of action. My reasoning having proceeded along these lines:

Firstly, with the sword brethren camped not far off, perhaps further unmanly skulking about was the more prudent course. One did not want to be forced to kill them all in a precipitous fashion while there was still use to be had of them. This struck me as being a damned clever notion at the time, and pon my word it still strikes me so now. Some of your downiness must be rubbing off on me Pandexter.

Secondly, and this was a startling thought, it occurred to me that, well, as a group, that is, there is not all that much about us which is manly per se. GENTLEMANLY, most definitely, but well, as for manly� No one in their right mind could describe Pandora and Talis as manly, I ain't a man as such, and Reef and Chase are Elves of who knows what disposition. As for Calvin, (whom you will note I have not mentioned before, him being of but little consequence in general), he is technically speaking of course a man, but a more skulking fellow you are never likely to meet - so that don't factor into the matter in any way!

Thirdly, a ringing challenge, strongly issued would have rather defeated Pandoras purpose in seeking to conceal us with her fairy skulking magic, and I would never act in such a disloyal fashion. It is jolly fine skulking magic too, under most circumstances, but rather effectively countered in this instance by the aimless flying around of the stirges, there being a vast mass of them some number of which happened to fly into the bigger folk purely by chance.

I need not relate, that no stirge saw fit to test my mettle, or indeed my metal. For little purpose it would have served them as being as I am, entirely fashioned of brass, I had no blood for them to drain.

Likewise, Pandora escaped the attention of the stirges, but Talis, Reef and Chase were not so fortunate and were indeed, soon sorely pressed.

Luckily, Pandora had a damned clever notion of her own, which made best use of her recent experiences involving the transformation of the marsh gas I mentioned in my earlier missive to you. Quick as a flash she turned the air all about us into "marsh like gas substitute" of exceeding strength and potency.

Well, the stirges fell over like a set of ninepins, dropping out of the air with resounding splat into the swamp below - or lying writhing in the bottom of our now somewhat steaming boat.

I found this new atmosphere to be most lubricating and refreshing - in fact I distinctly recall a thoroughly pleasing tingling sensation. Similar to the one I get when I step into a nicely hot blast furnace, or the like.

Unfortunately, those of my companions who chose to continue to indulge in their breathing habit were soon writhing on the floor of the boat. Fortunately, like the stirges they did not writhe for long and their suffering was brief. I say fortunately as although somewhat regular usage has accustomed the ladies to the painful death of Reef and Chase, this can still be upsetting for them. It does seem careless, and a little inconsiderate of Reef and Chase, that they should be so frequently put to this trial, so it is perhaps not such a disappointment that this time there really does seem to be no possible way for the elves to be repaired and returned to their proper service.

So, over the side they went - or at least I assume that�s what happened to em - all I know for sure is that the bodies are no where to be seen and Calvin has been indulging himself with an annoying sort of nonchalant whistle for some time now.

Be that as it may, there was no doubting that in dealing with the stirges we had also piqued a certain degree of interest in our unwilling guides, and these immediately started to indulge themselves in all sorts of flummery and mumbo jumbo involving chanting and flashing lights. All to no avail of course, as we soon withdrew further into the mist in order to distance ourselves from what was doubtless a fairly sordid set of undertakings on their part. I have never understood the attractions of these midnight rituals carried out in strange costumes by a bunch of fellows who should know better, or should in fact at the least seek guidance from those who DO know better. It can lead to all sorts of unsavoury and unnatural behaviour.

Now, perhaps upon reflection it may be thought that I am not an individual that is best placed to comment on what should and should not be deemed unnatural. There being nothing much "natural" about me, which is a thing for which I am intensely grateful. However I have recently had cause to gain some valuable perspective on that which is truly unnatural to this world, which perspective I am intending to share with you directly.

While I am not a natural creature, I do of course share in full measure the natural gentlemanly impulses to be expected of an individual of my rank and bearing. It was these natural impulses that led me to cast aside a degree of caution which had hitherto stood me in good stead with relation to my dealings with the unnatural companion that due to your kind offices, currently bears me company.

Pandora had taken her self off into the mist you see, in order to search for the sword brethren, who were futilely struggling to escape deserved fate, by an attempt at evasion.

I am of course, constitutionally unable to with hold my aid from any deserving female who is in distress, so after she had been gone for some time, I chose to search the surrounding mist for the presence of her mind - in order that I might contact her and guide her home.

Well, this demony fellow who is currently welded to my chest seemed to think that this was the opening that he had been waiting for. He struck me hard and fast, and even though this attempt was not entirely unexpected by me, he gained a measure of control over my actions.

He was (and is) amazingly strong. I believe that your seal was still actively restricting his power, for had he been able to bring his full strength to bear I would have been overcome as easily as if I were a child.

As things stood, I could not move or speak to warn my companions that the devil might soon be amongst them. And I was in no way willing to use my powers to warn them. Fortunately I did retain the ability to make music, and was able to use this to warn Talis, and Calvin so that they might prepare as best they could.

Talis, bless her, picked me up and unmasked her own power. I could feel the demon within me begin to roil about as he suffered, and I believe that it was this action by Talis that precipitated the main crisis of this affair.

The demony fellow, being stung as he was, issued a ringing command of terrible strength, "Open your mind to me" - which I believe you will agree represented a very poor idea from my perspective, and one which I proved able to resist. Damned impertinence on his part, and I was having none of it.

You see, I do have a strength of my own to draw upon, and so I was able, after mustering every particle of resolve in my being, to "close the door" through which this demon had entered, and cast him forth from my mind. So he is back where he should be now, safely under lock and key.

He batters away at the walls of his prison of course, reaching out for me, I feel it constantly. But I am undaunted and steadfast in my resolve, and he will not have me.

I would love to be able to claim this as a triumph, and doubtless in the fullness of time I will do just that - for I am nothing if not vanity wrought in brass. Twill make a fine passage in my opera. But the reality of it is that the bounder almost had me. I shall take care to see that he gets no further chance.

I will say that these events did have a most gratifying effect upon the ladies. They were all fierce concern, and any lingering sense of discomfort due to the fate of our elves does appear to have been thoroughly dispelled.

Amusingly enough, as it turned out Pandora did not need my aid at all, and has returned in good time for us to resume our pursuit of the sword brothers. Which occupation we are currently attending to assiduously.

So, at this time I am still in full possession of myself and my affairs, and somewhat wiser in the ways of demons both in the general sense and in the particular.

In all other ways I am remain unchanged, properly amused, properly undaunted and properly inflexible in my resolve.

I remain as always,

Basil De Brass
(Count, Manikin, and Gentleman Adventurer)

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