Campaign Journal


It is the year 2645, during the reign of Marissa III, when our hapless group of rag-tag adventurers find themselves thrust together into the middle of a social and industrial dispute which threatens to overset the previously peaceful existence of the planet Cordwainer, on the very fringes of Imperial space and the Vorsan Expanse.

They are, in alphabetical order:

Jek Porkins — once a candidate for officership in the Mind Police, he just couldn't make the grade intellectually, a circumstance he has carried a chip on his shoulder over ever since. Jek is a delta-rated psionic with telekinetic and pyrokinetic abilities.

Kappo — man of a thousand faces and no past, or at least none that he will admit to in public. Obsessively clean and irrationally superstitious, Kappo is an odd character to say the very least.

K'pok — a Vulcan. Daughter of K'pol, a noted and sought-after mediator, she arrived on Cordwainer for repairs to her ship after collision with a piece of space debris ruined her primary fusion plant and killed her mother and the other two crew members.

Weftish — a spacer from the asteroid base Tressle. He can fix just about anything, or build you a new one out of any old spare parts you might have lying around.

Jek Porkins, Kappo and Weftish, along with an irate group of a couple of dozen fellow passengers, all found themselve stranded on Cordwainer when the passenger freighter they had been travelling in — the Etylia Gargantyr — was impounded and its officers arrested over some problem or other; exactly what sort of problem was not made clear in the local news media. Not having the financial resources to book passage out on another ship, and being unable to find any available work passages, they booked themselves into a local hotel and set about trying to get some money together.

And so we begin.