
Equipment END Tally Cards

This A4 page is a 3x3 PDF layout (see the thumbnail to the right) of the card shown here to the left. It can be used to tick off END as it's expended, and a separate card should be kept for each piece of equipment (or even for each battery). Notice that there is a line which runs "Expend_______END per________________" — that is to accommodate my Reduced END variant which allows some equipment to expend END over longer time periods than per Phase.

Click on this link or on the thumbnail to open the PDF file in your browser, or right-click and select "Save target as..." to save the file to your own machine.

If for some reason you can't (or won't) open PDF files, you can save the GIF image to the left and print from that, but I wouldn't recommend it as a first choice.

Hero Designer 2 files

This page links to all the HD2 templates, characters, vehicles, gadgets and so forth I use in my campaign. To save them for your own use, right-click on the links and select "Save target as..."