K'pok ried to communicate with pod-people, Jek tried to access computer systems. Failed. Found elevator down, found food stores (most refrigeration pooted), found personal effects stores. Tried to access secure lockers, failed.
Weptish in a bad way from radiation poisoning.
Decided (eventually) to fuck off and let the Imperial Navy clean up the mess. Back upstairs, found route back out blocked by the security door Kappo had earlier tried (and failed) to blow open. Opening mechanism rooted owing to being blown to smithereens. Tried to find alternate route to exit point, failed.
Weptish getting worse (hair falling out, skin sloughing off, bleeding gums and eyes, puking blood), but eventually manages to jury-rig door controls so that it could be cranked open manually. Team gets back up to balcony.
K'pok calls ship — problem, nowhere for the ship to land, can't hover close enough due to crowding by roof gables. Jek detaches tether (20m) from Weptish's EVA suit and tries to jump for lowered embarkation ladder - fails. Tries instead to lasso ladder, eventually succeeds after quarter of an hour. Made loop of tether with Weptish on one end, dragged him up but too weak to cling to the ladder himself. K'pok climbs up tether line (squashing Weptish up against ladder) and helps him into air lock. Ship won't open inner lock until they are decontaminated, another 15 minutes or so. Jek follows, hauls up Kappoborg.
Weptish put into stasis until return to spaceport hospital.
Out of Ierisiou space (good riddance to the dump) and back to rendezvous point with Navy, who are surprised at the change in Kappo. Kappo by this time losing any sort of human intellignece, also emitting an unpleasant aroma of decomposition. Put into stasis for return to base hospital where he will be brain-taped and restored into a clone body in 20 years or so. Remainder of team debriefed, remaining issue equipment returned — there's not much left to return. After thorough debriefing, team receives agreed payment and heads back to Pantokrator Docking Station.