Driss Wolfhead

Driss Wolfhead was born in Sartar, near Jaldon's Rest. Although no warrior (his father was a carl) Driss grew up knowin how to use weapons, as all boys do in the hills. When Driss was 14, his father, Dorass was killed by Torn Ironarm the berserk. The tribal council decided the fight had been fair, even though onlookers claimed that Torn had goaded his opponent, while Dorass was too drunk to think straight.

Two nights later Driss ambushed Torn while he was drinking with some friends and stabbed him to death with his own sword. For this he was outlawed and fled into the hills. Driss was eventually bought to bay by a Humakt warrior, but hearing Driss' story, he persuaded the tribal council to change his sentence to exile, if Driss would join the cult of Humakt.

Since then, Driss has traveled here and there, selling his sword skills. He has worked primarily as a bodyguard, due to his unerring ability to pinpoint would-be assassins. Driss is less concerned with warfare and seeking death than many Humakti, although he certainly intends to meet his end in an honorable fashion when it comes. He sets great price however on fair dealing and honest behaviour and will thus willingly act as a guarantor for oaths and pledges.


Powers and skills, etc
2FAM: Common Melee weapons
18+6 CSL with swords
4+2 OCV with Throw
6+1 CSL with Dodge/Dive for cover
3Climbing 12-
3KS: animals (Animal Lore) 12-
1KS: plants (Plant Lore) 8-
3KS: Glorantha (world Lore) 12-
1Oratory 8-
3PS: Estimate worth (Evaluate) 12-
3Paramedics (First aid) 12-
1Stealth 8-
1Concealment 8-
1Tracking 8-
1Stealth 8-
9Sense Assassin (12-). Dangersense, intuitive, out of combat, only intelligent foes (-3/4)
4Gift of Humakt: Immunity to Poison (+4 CON, no figured CHA, only to resist Disease or Poison, -1)
6+2 PER with sight and hearing groups
5Power skill: Rune magic, 13-
1Power skill: ceremony, 8-
5Languages: Sartar (Native, literate), Old Wyrmish (basic conversation, literate), Trade (basic conversation, literate)
17Rune magic Multipower. 57 point reserve, all spells are ultra slots and take: Consumes POW (-1/2), requires a magic Roll (-1/2), 1 recoverable charge, continuing, 5 minutes, (-1/2), requires Runes (-1/2).
1Bladesharp 3: +9 CSL with edged weapons: CSL are set (-1/4): gives +3 OCV, and 6 levels to add 3 damage classes. Consumes POW (-1/2), requires a magic Roll (-1/2), 1 recoverable charge, continuing, 5 minutes, (-1/2), requires Runes (-1/2)
1Protection 3: 3 PD/ED force field, usable by up to 8 others at range (+1 1/2), Consumes POW (-1/2), requires a magic Roll (-1/2), 1 continuing (5 minutes) recoverable charge, (-1/2), requires Runes (-1/2).
1Heal 3: 3d6 healing, species outher than the caster have half effect (-1/2), Consumes POW (-1/2), requires a magic Roll (-1/2), 1 recoverable charge (-1/2), requires Runes (-1/2).
1Shimmer3: +3 CSL in DCV, usable by caster and up to 4 others (+1), at range (+1/2), Consumes POW (-1/2), requires a magic Roll (-1/2), limited range (-1/4), 1 continuing (5 minutes) recoverable charge, (-1/2), requires Runes (-1/2).
2Countermagic 3: Dispel magic: 6d6, all powers of a special effect (+2) 1 hex area effect (+1/2), personal immunity(+1/4) , Consumes POW (-1/2), limited Range (-1/4), requires a magic Roll (-1/2), 1 continuing (5 minutes) recoverable charge, (-1/2), power cancelled if it fails to dspel an incoming spell (-1), requires Runes (-1/2).
1Fanaticism: +2 CSL (OCV, all attacks), usable as attack (+1), side effect (-1/4, affects recipient) recipient becomes enraged for the duration of the spell, Consumes POW (-1/2), limited Range (-1/4), requires a magic Roll (-1/2), 1 recoverable continuing charge lasting 5 minutes, (-1/2), requires Runes (-1/2)
28Divine magic: Absorbtion. Power: 10d6 Absorption to POW: usable by one other (+1/4), Limited Phenomena (magic, -1/4), Consumes POW (-1/2), requires 1 POW per 2d6 (-1/4), 1 continuing (15 minutes), recoverable charge, difficult to recover (-1/2), gestures and incantations (-1/2), requires Runes (-1/2).


Desolid - only versus absorbed spells (-1), Linked to Absorption (-1/2), 1 continuing (15 minutes), recoverable charge, (-1/4), gestures and incantations (-1/2), requires Runes (-1/2), requires Runes (-1/2).

15Divine Magic: shield 3. Power: Force Field 6 PD/ED, Consumes POW (-1/2),1 continuing (15 minutes) recoverable charge, difficult to recover (-1/2), gestures and incantations (-1/2), requires Runes (-1/2).


Power: Dispel magic: 12d6, all powers of a special effect (+2) 1 hex area effect (+1/2), personal immunity (+1/4) , Consumes POW (-1/2), 1 continuing (15 minutes) recoverable charge, difficult to recover (-1/2), gestures and incantations (-1/2), requires Runes (-1/2)

26Divine Magic; Turn Undead (Cult spell) 6d6 Mind Control, telepathic (+1/4), Only one command: Flee! (-1/2) Consumes POW (-1/2), limited Range (-1/4), 1 continuing (15 minutes), recoverable charge, difficult to recover (-1/2), gestures and incantations (-1/2), requires Runes (-1/2).


Mindlink, Consumes POW (-1/2), limited Range (-1/4), requires a magic Roll (-1/2), 1 continuing (15 minutes), recoverable charge, difficult to recover (-1/2), gestures and incantations (-1/2), requires Runes (-1/2).


1d6 RKA, AVLD (magical defences, +1 1/2), Does Body (+1), Consumes POW (-1/2), limited Range (-1/4), 1 recoverable charge, difficult to recover (-2), gestures and incantations (-1/2), requires Runes (-1/2), activates 8- (-2)

174Powers total
254Total character cost

10Watched (8-) Lunars, MoPo, NCI
10Psychological limit : Never use poison (rare, total)
20Psychological limit : Never use any weapons but swords or daggers (common, total)
10Psychological limit : Never ambush (rare, total)
5Distinctive appearance (Black clothing, Humakti cult Tattoos, concealable)
5Reputation: member of the Grey company


Enchanted Iron Bastard Sword; stores 16 POW, plus has a Bladesharp 4 matrix

Iron Greatsword

Armour: chain mail and helm

382 silver pennies

31 gold coins

Small leather target shield (+1 DCV)

Backpack and waterskin

Riding Zebra and tack


1 set decent clothes