Starting Capital and the "Money" Perk or Disad

The amount of money available for a newly-created character to purchase equipment is dependent on any Wealth perks or disadvantages they may have. (NOTE: these perks will also affect day-to-day expenses and the availability of discretionary cash, as below)

ValueWealth Perk/Disad
Income Level
Starting Funds
10d6 gold crowns, times:
Game Effect
10ptsDestitutex 0.1You will never be able to keep hold of any money. Somehow it just slips through your fingers.
Your available cash will dwindle by 50sp per week without anything to show for it.
5ptsPoorx 0.3Your available cash will dwindle by 25sp per week without anything to show for it.
NOTE: You can't get around this income shrinkage by just blowing all your cash on Stuff. A character with either of these Disadvantages will find that they also can't keep hold of good-quality equipment, and somehow always end up with tatty old crap.
 Middle Class (default)x 0No change
5ptsWell Off 1 (well-to-do)x 3You always seem to have enough money for day-to-day expenses such as good food, drink and lodging regardless of the actual number of coins in your purse.
Don't count expenses of less than 50sp per week against your cash reserves.
6ptsWell Off 2 (wealthy)x 6Don't count expenses of less than 100sp per week against your cash reserves.
7ptsWell Off 3 (very wealthy)x 9Don't count expenses of less than 150sp per week against your cash reserves.
9ptsWell Off 4 (rich)x 12Don't count expenses of less than 200sp per week against your cash reserves.
11ptsWell Off 5 (filthy rich)x 15Don't count expenses of less than 250sp per week against your cash reserves.