Session 2


Pandora decides to make Tallis prettier and transforms her so that she looks exactly like herself, but bigger and without wings. Justin and Karlof are startled to say the least to find their companion suddenly more beauteous than mortal woman, but manage to control their drooling.

Party ride into Rath Una, feeding in tree branches transformed into salami by Pandora.

They find a crowd gathered, baiting a Wild Elf (Kaeli) shackled to a post. Tallis, outraged, commands that they cease theis barbarism.

The assembled menfolk (and some of the assembled womenfolk) fail to control their libidinous impulses at the sight of the newly-beautified Tallis and in no time flat start fighting over the opportunity to serve her in any way that might get them entry to her panties. In the confusion, Justin punches one of the peasants in the face and crushes his skull, killing him immediately. Oops. Kaeli escapes, retrieves her stuff, kills one peasant and mortally wounds another in a fit of pique.

Party eventually leave by barge, with Kaeli and another hanger-on, Mephisto.

They float downstream and come under arrow fire from the north bank, killing one of the bargees — wild elves. They float further down and land, preparing an ambush. Tallis performs the world's least competent attempt at hiding.

They fight, killing three of the elves and driving off the others. Tallis snaffles an elvish chain shirt, shortsword and longbow, Justin and Karlof grab a shortsword and bow each, and Kaeli got their camoflage cloaks.

Rupert, NPC barge-owner, pays the penalty for being anywhere near PCs and dies with an arrow or two in his gizzards. Only one bargee left now (Rudolf), who divides his time between posing for Tallis and steering the barge.

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