We will be using the "inverted" system for determining what you hit in combat:
In other words, roll your dice, add and/or subtract everything appropriate, and the resulting number minus ten is the DCV you hit with that blow.
(Note that DCV is calculated by DEX ÷ 3 + 10 — the resulting huge number is simply to accommodate the inverted attack system).
We will be using Hit Locations purely for the purpose of determining whether a blow hits an armoured spot or not, and will not be using any damage modifiers for the locations.We'll be going back to using Hit Locations as normal, since there's plenty of magical healing available and I feel that they make combat more colourful.
Any Killing Attack will always do x3 STUN — we will not be using an additional STUN MUltiplier die. For example, if your HKA does 8 BODY, it does 8 x 3 = 24 STUN. If it does 18 BODY, it does 18 x 3 = 54 STUN.
To ease the pain of those sensible souls who use Hero Designer for character creation, I've created a Martial Arts prefab which will allow you to place all the most common maneuvers without having to build each from scratch. You can get it here (right-click and "Save as..." Martial Arts.hdp)
Rather than using the antiquated and arbitrarily priced martial arts maneuvers listed in the core rules, all maneuvers will be built using Powers, Advantages and Limitations (just like almost everything else in the system) and be placed inside a Martial Arts Multipower.
This change will make it slightly more expensive for martial arts dilletantes, who just want enough maneuvers to give them an edge in combat but aren't true martial artists in the wire-fu sense, but it will make it cheaper to amass a huge repertoire of fancy stunts for those who want to devote themselves to leaping and whacking. Bear in mind that the Multipower's Active POint value must be at least large enough to match the Active Point value of the largest Power within it.
The cost-effectiveness of martial maneuvres will now more accurately reflect their usefulness, in line with the rest of the system's Powers, Talents etc., rather than being priced arbitrarily to cater to ancient character building practices from Champions I in 1981.
My rationale for the change is this: armour-piercing attacks in real life are effective only up to a certain point. They don't just halve the defensive value of the armour they're used against, unlike the AP advantage as written. I didn't want to make an attack's AP capabilities absolutely predictable however, hence the use of a semi-random dice mechanic.
In the Hero System rules, Armour Piercing is treated very simply � it ignores half of the target's defences. If Doktor Depravo has a DEF of 23, the attack treats it as a DEF of 12. If his puny minion's DEF were 6, the same attack would treat it as a DEF of 3.
Unfortunately, this is not how armour piercing works in the real world. It's not reasonable that the same attack should penetrate 11 points of Doktor Depravo's Dastardly Defensive Device's force field, while only penetrating 3 points of his minion's bullet-proof vest; the attack should penetrate the same amount of armour in both cases.
Instead of automatically halving the target's defences, an attack with the Armour Piercing advantage ignores the same DEF as the amount of Normal BODY rolled for the attack.
Example: Ruggedly handsome soldier of fortune Dirk Storm fires at a knight in full plate (DEF 8) with his trusty crossbow, a 2d6 AP RKA. He hits, doing 7 points (rolling a 5 and a 2 on his 2d6, or 2 Normal BODY). The knight's effective armour DEF drops to 6, and he takes 1 point of BODY from Dirk's crossbow bolt.
Armour Piercing can be taken multiple times, with each additional advantage multiplying the DEF ignored by +1, i.e., if taken twice it ignores (nBODY x 2) of the target's DEF, if thrice, (nBODY x 3), etc.
Hardened defences cancel out Armour Piercing on a level-by-level basis.
Falling damage is always treated as armour piercing.
Armour Piercing is a +½ Advantage.
In combat, a natural roll of 18 is a Critical Hit and you get the option of
If an 18 is required just to hit, then no Critical occurs when one is thrown. A natural 18 is not neccessarily an automatic hit.
A natural roll of 3 is a Fumble, and will result in Something Bad happening — precisely what happens will depend on what would be funniest at the time. Examples include:
When it comes to Skills, the rolls are reversed: a 3 is a Critical Success and an 18 is Fumble. Precise results will be entirely dependent on the skill being used and circumstances, but regardless of the specific result a Critical Success will give you the best possible outcome of the skill use, whereas a Fumble will not only fail, but will result in the worst possible outcome of failure (probably not fatal, but I make no promises....)
Because this is a cinematic-style game as far as combat is concerned, I am doing away with Stunning. Characters who take STUN damage still keep track of it, and when your STUN total drops to 0 you are unconscious, but you don't get Stunned by taking more STUN than your CON. I'm reinstating Stunning, mainly because removing it makes creating certain magical effects far more difficult, but also because without it a powerful character can pretty much wade through scores of mooks without having to worry. OK, so they're only mooks, but even so a hundred of them should be slightly worrisome.
END use is only used for magic (unless you're trying to move while carrying something really heavy — see below), and for the most part will therefore be drawn from the character's Mana Pool.
There is no automatic Post-Segment-12 Recovery. If you're getting low on STUN or END, you actually have to use an action to Recover. You can't recover END in the same Phase you're burning it, (or recover STUN in any Phase you take STUN) so that may mean that you will have to get out of combat, stop moving, and/or possibly let an ongoing spell cease, before you can Recover.
Everybody gets Fast Healing by default, because I'm such a generous guy, and because — well, just because. What that means is that you heal naturally (i.e. without magical intervention) at the rate of your REC per week, instead of REC per month as normal.
For example, if you get whacked by Gobbo the Clobberer's Mace of Clobberin' and take 8 BODY (ow!), and you have a REC of 4, it will take you two weeks to heal completely. If you have a REC of 6, it will take a week and a bit.
If you feel really anal, you can work out exactly how many hours you need to heal 1 BODY. Who knows, it might be important.
Combat Luck is limited to no more than 2 levels (i.e. 6 PD/ED) and does not stack with any physical armour heavier than soft leather (i.e. 1 rPD). That still gives you the equivalent of wearing chainmail while dancing around in your jockstrap, which isn't too bad. Because this is a campaign-wide Limitation on the Talent, it doesn't make Combat Luck any cheaper. Sorry.
Note that Combat Luck doesn't come into effect if you're taken by surprise, attacked in your sleep, or can't dodge around for some reason — if you're being crushed in a giant's fist, for example.
This Talent must be defined in one of three ways:
Regardless of which version is used, Deadly Blow must cost END.
You can use your Acting skill in combat as a half-Phase action to feint before landing your real blow. For every two points you make the Acting roll by, you gain +1 OCV for that attack. However, for every two points you fail the roll by, you lose -1 DCV until your next Phase.
Total Weight Carried | DCV and Dex Roll | Movement | END per Turn |
Up to 10% | -0 | — | 0 |
10-24% | -1 | — | 0 |
25-49% | -2 | -1" | 1 |
50-74% | -3 | -2" | 2 |
75-89% | -4 | -4" | 3 |
90-100% | -5 | -8" | 4 |
The distance a character can travel easily in one day is dependent on three things:
Terrain | MU Distance | Examples |
Very Easy | 2 km | Good roads in mostly flat country |
Easy | 1.5 km | Open plain, good roads or tracks in close or hilly country |
Difficult | 0.75 km | Reasonably open forest, rough tracks in close or broken country such as forested hills or rocky mountains |
Very Difficult | 0.25 km | Dense brush or jungle, trackless broken country |
Additionally, each two MU travelled beyond the character's BOMR costs the character +1 LTE.
If all that seems a bit complicated, don't worry. What it boils down to is this: if you travel far, you'll get tired. If you carry a lot, you'll get tired. If you travel far carrying a lot, you'll get really tired.
Example: Zosia has a Movement rate of 6" and SPD 4, which means she can move 6 x 4 = 24 MU per day (unencumbered) without suffering any particular fatigue. On good, flat roads, that means she can easily walk 48 km per day. In easy, open country she can make 36 km, along forest tracks 18 km, and in trackless mountains only 6 km. If she exceeds these distances, then she has to burn LTE to do so.
Her STR is 18, with a maximum lift of 303 kg, so as long as she carries no more than 72 kg she'll remain essentially unencumbered as far as her movement is concerned. If she carries 73 kg or more, her base move drops and she will start using LTE as she travels.