STR2013-20Damage 4d6, Lift 400.0kg
DEX2013-30OCV 7 DCV 7
INT1312-3PER Roll 12-
EGO1512-10ECV: 5
PRE1011-0PRE Attack: 2d6
PD626/11 PD (0/5 rPD)
ED636/11 ED (0/5 rED)
SPD410Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12
6"Running12" Non-combat Running (7/14 km/h)
2"Swimming4" Non-combat Swimming (2/5 km/h)
4"Leaping4" Horizontal, 2" Vertical
Equipment Carried:
20.20 kg
Total Weight CarriedDCV/DEX RollMoveEND/Turn
Up to 40 kg-00
40 kg to 100 kg-10
100 kg to 200 kg-2-1"1
200 kg to 300 kg-3-2"2
300 kg to 360 kg-4-4"3
360 kg to 400.0kg-5-8"4
Combat Information
OCV: 7DCV: 7ECV: 5
Combat Skill Levels:
• +2 Overall
• +8 with Martial Maneuvers
Shield - passive defence: +2 with DCV
Shield - active defence: +2 with Shield Block
DEFENSES PD: 6 (6/11) rPD: 0/5 Mental Def: 0
ED: 6 (6/11) rED: 0/5 Power Def: 0
Armour TyperPDrED
9Upper Armx1x3/x1
15-16Lower Legx2/x½

Justin Thenickof
Human male

Total Points: 174
Base Pts: 100
Disads: 55
Characteristics: 96
Abilities: 78

XP earned: 27
XP spent: 19
XP remaining: 8

Last updated
Fri, 30 Jun 2006 17:08:09


Cost Disadvantage

10 Social Limitation: Adventurer (Frequently, Minor)

Notes: As an adventurer and person of no fixed abode, representatives of the law will tend to be suspicious of you, and it can be difficult to get credit. Innkeepers will want payment up front, for example, and substantial bonds will have to be posted to hire livestock. Persons of "good" society will tend to snub you (politely usually, depending on how dangerous you look), and those weaker than yourself will normally react with caution and even fear until they get to know you.

10 Psychological Limitation: Law-abiding (Common, Moderate)

10 Psychological Limitation: Overconfident (Common, Moderate)

10 Psychological Limitation: Chivalrous (Common, Moderate)

10 Psychological Limitation: Truthful (Common, Moderate)

5 Reputation: Sword-slinger, 8-



20 +2 Overall

24 +8 with Martial Maneuvers

4 WF: Common Melee Weapons, Common Missile Weapons

5 Eyes in the back of your head: Defense Maneuver I-II
Note: No attacker is considered to be attacking �from behind� and eliminates Multiple Attacker Bonuses as to attackers the character can perceive

3 Fast Draw 13-

1 Transport Familiarity: Horses, mules and donkeys

2 Animal Handler (Equines) 11-

Everyman Skills

0 1) Common Tongue: Language: Native language (Idiomatic, native accent) (4 Active Points)

0 2) PS: Squire 8-

3 3) Acrobatics 13-

0 4) Acting 8-

0 5) AK: Home County 8-

0 6) Breakfall 8-

3 7) Climbing 13-

0 8) Concealment 8-

0 9) Conversation 8-

0 10) Deduction 8-

0 11) First Aid: Paramedics 8-

0 12) Persuasion 8-

0 13) Shadowing 8-

0 14) Sleight Of Hand 8-

0 15) Stealth 8-



Martial Arts Maneuvres: Multipower, 30-point reserve, Grandfathering bonus

1u 1) Martial Block: +2 OCV, +2 DCV when Blocking (9 Active Points); OAF (Blade weapon; -1)

1u 2) Martial Strike: Killing Attack - Hand-To-Hand ½d6 (vs. PD) (10 Active Points); OAF (Damage adds to existing blade weapon damage; -1), No STR Bonus (-½) END: 1

1u 3) Martial Escape: +15 STR (30 Active Points); Only to escape Grabs (-2), No Figured Characteristics (-½) END: 3

Equipment and other Assets Total Weight Carried: 20.20 kg

Bastard Sword: Killing Attack - Hand-To-Hand 1 ½d6 (2d6 w/STR) (vs. PD), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½) (37 Active Points); OAF (-1), STR Minimum 15 (-¾), Required Hands One-And-A-Half-Handed (-¼), Real Weapon (-¼) Weight: 1.70kg
Notes: 1½Handed, Body 4 [OOOO], Def 3. Damage is -2 DC when used 1-handed.

Rusty Old Chainmail: Armor (5 PD/5 ED) (15 Active Points); Activation Roll 12- (-¾), Real Armor (-¼) Weight: 12.50kg

Rusty Old Light Helm: Armor (5 PD/5 ED) (15 Active Points); Activation Roll 4- (-3), Real Armor (-¼) Weight: 2.00kg

Rusty Old Medium Shield: (Total: 22 Active Cost, 16 Real Cost) Hand-To-Hand Attack +2d6 (10 Active Points); Hand-To-Hand Attack (-½), STR Minimum 7 (-½), Real Weapon (-¼) (Real Cost: 4)
plus +2 with DCV (Real Cost: 10)
plus +2 with Shield Block (Real Cost: 2) Weight: 4.00kg END: 1
Notes: The Block and Bash maneuvers can be used for best effect only if Shield is taken as a Weapon Familiarity; otherwise the bonuses just go to partially offset the -3 penalty for unfamiliarity.