Characteristics | ||||
Char | Total | Roll | Cost | Notes |
STR | 12 | 11- | 4 | Damage 2d6, Lift 132.0kg |
DEX | 18 | 13- | 24 | OCV 6 DCV 6 |
CON | 10 | 11- | 0 | |
BODY | 10 | 11- | 0 | |
INT | 18 | 13- | 8 | PER Roll 13-/16- |
EGO | 10 | 11- | 0 | ECV: 3 |
PRE | 10 | 11- | 0 | PRE Attack: 2d6 |
COM | 18 | 13- | 4 | |
PD | 2 | 0 | 2/4 PD (0/2 rPD) | |
ED | 2 | 0 | 2/4 ED (0/2 rED) | |
SPD | 5 | 32 | Phases: 3, 5, 8, 10, 12 | |
REC | 4 | 0 | ||
END | 20 | 0 | ||
STUN | 21 | 0 |
Movement | ||
6" | Running | 12" Non-combat Running (9/18 km/h) |
2" | Swimming | 4" Non-combat Swimming (3/6 km/h) |
2" | Leaping | 2" Horizontal, 1" Vertical |
Encumbrance | ||||
Equipment Carried: 6.25 kg | Total Weight Carried | DCV/DEX Roll | Move | END/Turn |
Up to 13 kg | -0 | — | 0 | |
13 - 33 kg | -1 | — | 0 | |
33 - 66 kg | -2 | -1" | 1 | |
66 - 99 kg | -3 | -2" | 2 | |
99 - 119 kg | -4 | -4" | 3 | |
119 - 132.0kg | -5 | -8" | 4 |
Combat Information | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
OCV: 6 | DCV: 6 | ECV: 3 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Combat Skill Levels:
• Bows: +13 with any bow & arrow | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Range Modifiers | Mod. | -0 | -2 | -4 | -6 | -8 | -10 | -12 |
Range | 0-4" | 5-8" | 9-16" | 17-32" | 33-64" | 65-128" | 129-256" |
Total Points: 214
Base Pts: 150
Disads: 55
Characteristics: 72
Abilities: 142
XP earned: 14
XP spent: 9
XP remaining: 5
Last updated
Sat, 10 Nov 2007 10:15:59
Cost Disadvantage
10 Social Limitation: Adventurer (Frequently, Minor)
0 Hunted: Wild Elf Tribe 11- (As Pow, Limited Geographical Area, Harshly Punish, Campaign disad)
15 Psychological Limitation: Overconfident (Common, Strong)
10 Psychological Limitation: Vengeful (Uncommon, Strong)
10 Psychological Limitation - Wild Elf: Paranoid (Common, Moderate)
10 Reputation: Wild elf - merciless bloodthirsty psychotic killer, 11-
0 Normal Characteristic Maxima
3 Acrobatics 13-
3 Breakfall 13-
3 Climbing 13-
3 Concealment 13-
Fast Draw 13-
Note: Using this skill you can string your bow as a half-phase action instead of a full-phase. In conjunction with your Rapid Archery ability, this means that you can string your bow, nock an arrow and fire in a single phase. If you fail the roll, it takes a full phase to string the bow, as usual.
Rapid Attack (Ranged)
Note: If you have an arrow nocked, you can half-move and shoot and then (due to your Rapid Archery talent) draw and shoot again. Attacking still ends your phase, so you can't move after shooting.
6 Penalty Skill Levels: +4 vs. Range Modifier with longbow
39 Bows: +13 with any bow & arrow
3 Tracking 13-
0 Elven: Language (idiomatic; literate) (5 Active Points)
3 Common: Language (fluent conversation; literate)
2 Navigation (Land) 13-
3 Riding 13-
1 Riding Flying Mounts: TF: Equines, Flying Beasts
3 Stealth 13-
2 Survival (Temperate/Subtropical) 13-
4 WF: Common Melee Weapons, Common Missile Weapons
4 Bowyer/Fletcher and Weaponsmith: Weaponsmith (Arrows, Bolts, And Darts, Muscle-Powered HTH, Muscle-Powered Ranged) 13-
3 Bump Of Direction
4 Weapon Master: Deadly Blow: +1d6 (Only with recurve bow, must hit DCV+5)
4 Rapid Archery
6 +3 PER with Sight Group
10 Precision Archery: Find Weakness 11- with Longbow Attack
10 Psychic Bond with Twin: Mind Link , One Specific Mind, Psychic Bond
Elven Racial Abilities
5 1) Spooky Elven See-In-The-Dark: Ultraviolet Perception (Sight Group)
5 2) Keen are the Eyes of the Elves: +3 versus Range Modifier for Sight Group
5 3) Elven Immortality: Life Support (Longevity: Immortal)
Quiver and Arrows:
Ammo: ����O OOOOO OO Weight: 1.00kg
Notes: Quiver holds a maximum of 12 arrows.
Wyvern-bone Recurve Bow:
Killing Attack - Ranged 1 ½d6 (vs. PD) (25 Active Points); STR Minimum 12 (STR Min. Cannot Add/Subtract Damage; -1), Required Hands Two-Handed (-½), Concentration (½ DCV; -¼) Weight:
END: 2
Notes: Maximum range is 250m (125")
Leather armour:
Armor (2 PD/2 ED) Weight: 5.00kg
Notes: Made from fairy magic
Leather Mask:
(2 PD/2 ED) Weight: 0.25kg
Notes: Made from fairy magic. This mask depicts the face of a leering Jester in black leather with silver filigree.