END Cost | Magic Roll | Spell Name | Active Cost |
4 | -4 | Algae Bloom | 37 |
3 | -3 | Blessing of the Mother | 30 |
6 | -7 | Blessings of Nature | 65 |
4 | -5 | Blight of Nigil | 45 |
3 | -3 | Change of Seasons | 26 |
3 | -3 | Forewarn | 30 |
3 | -4 | Fruitful | 35 |
1 | -0 | Grow Vine | 2 |
12 | -13 | Haunted Woods | 127 |
5 | -5 | Living Wood | 51 |
1 | -1 | Lore of the Plants | 13 |
4 | -4 | Marching Forest | 36 |
2 | -3 | Pass Trees | 30 |
6 | -6 | Paths of Confusion | 56 |
6 | -7 | Plant Growth | 65 |
3 | -4 | Plant Trail | 35 |
6 | -6 | Revivify Wood | 60 |
1 | -3 | Secret Paths | 31 |
4 | -4 | Shape Tree | 40 |
6 | -6 | Spore Cloud | 60 |
3 | -4 | Storm of Thorns | 35 |
3 | -3 | Swirling Leaves | 33 |
2 | -3 | Transform Plant | 25 |
4 | -6 | Visions of the Forest | 61 |
14 | -14 | Wall of Thorns | 140 |
4 | -5 | Warriors of the Dark Wood | 45 |
4 | -5 | Weeds | 45 |
4 | -4 | Wood Shaping | 40 |
4 | -5 | Woods Grasp | 45 |
5 | -12 | Wrath of the Green Wood | 120 |
Total Active Points: 1463 points |
END | Magic Roll | Spell Description | Definition | Active Cost |
4 | -4 | Algae Bloom (Range: 185")
A bloom of algae is created underwater within the radius of the spell target, cloaking any life forms therein with a dense stew of green growth. Visibility within the effected area is reduced to zero, until darkness falls or a strong current sweeps the bloom away. |
Darkness to Sight Group 3" radius, 1 Continuing Charge lasting 1 Day (cancelled by nightfall, darkness or strong current; +¼) (37 Active Points); Conditional Power Power Only Works In Water (-1 ½), Limited Power Only where plants can grow (-¼), Costs Endurance (Only Costs END to Activate; -¼) | 37 |
3 | -3 | Blessing of the Mother (Range: 150")
Restores the health of a plant or tree, causing it to gradually recover from damage and return to normal growth. The focus for this spell is some water, which is sprinkled over the plant while the Wizard his making his incantation. |
Healing BODY 2d6, Ranged (+½) (30 Active Points); OAF (Water; -1), Only on living plants or trees (-½) | 30 |
6 | -7 | Blessings of Nature (Range: 325")
This spell calls upon the spirit of Nature to bless the ground and the people with a bountiful harvest of crops. This will bring, overnight a bountiful harvest of crops. |
Minor Transform 2d6 (helps crops grow bountifully), Area Of Effect (64" Radius; +2 ¼) (65 Active Points); Extra Time (6 Hours, Only to Activate, -1 ¾), Only where plants can grow (-½) | 65 |
4 | -5 | Blight of Nigil (Range: 225")
Plants effected by this spell begin to wither and rot, turning to decaying matter. This spell is equally effective against live or dead wood, although especially hardy plants and trees may survive and recover from the damage. See the HERO Rulesbook for the DEF and BODY ratings of various trees, bushes, and other forms of wood. |
RKA 2d6 (vs. ED), Area Of Effect (One Hex; +½) (45 Active Points); Extra Time (1 Turn (Post-Segment 12), -1 ¼), Only to cause vegetable matter to wither and rot (-¾) | 45 |
3 | -3 | Change of Seasons
This spell will cause plants and trees within the radius of the spell to change their form to match a different season of the year, such as budding flowers during spring, or falling leaves during the fall. Though little practiced, this spell has proven useful for specialized tasks, such as growing fruit in winter or saving plants from a late frost. Since plants are not quick to respond in this manner, this enchantment is tedious to cast. |
Cosmetic Transform 3d6 (Winter plant state into summer state etc.), MegaScale (1" = 2 km; +¼), Area Of Effect (One Hex; +½) (26 Active Points); Extra Time (1 Turn (Post-Segment 12), -1 ¼), No Range (-½), Concentration, Must Concentrate throughout use of Constant Power (½ DCV; -½), Conditional Power Only where plants can grow (-¼) | 26 |
3 | -3 | Forewarn
The caster of this spell can receive a premonition when wizardry is about to be unleashed against their person. This sensation also allows the Caster to forecast the nature of the spell with a successful PER roll, and make appropriate preparations. This sense is limited in duration, only allowing a phase in which to forestall the magic. |
Danger Sense (self only, out of combat, Analyze, Discriminatory) (30 Active Points); Limited Power Only to sense spells (-1), Costs Endurance (-½), Incantations (Requires Incantations throughout; -½) 11- | 30 |
3 | -4 | Fruitful (Range: 175")
This spell will instantly make any crop ripen to fullness all at once, allowing the caster to sup on strawberries in midwinter if he so desires. |
Minor Transform 2d6 (unripened crop to ripened crop), MegaScale (1" = 100m; +¼), Area Of Effect (One Hex; +½) (35 Active Points); OIF Immobile (living plants of the required type; -1 ½) | 35 |
1 | -0 | Grow Vine
This utility spell causes a length of sturdy vine to grow from the earth. For each phase the spell is maintained, the vine will grow an additional 10" vertically. The vine is sufficiently strong to be employed for climbing. The focus for this spell is the seed of a vine, which is planted in the earth at the location where the spell is cast. |
Summon 10-point Vine (2 Active Points); IAF Fragile Expendable (Easy to obtain new Focus; vine seed; -¾), Incantations (-¼), Conditional Power only where plants can grow (-¼) | 2 |
12 | -13 | Haunted Woods
This dark spell turns a 10 km diameter area of normal woods into a haunted forest. The trees bend and twist into gnarled, sinister forms, and the area radiates a constant, sickening aura of fear. Only a short time after the spell is cast, many of the forest animals will have fled, save for the most feisty creatures, such as boars and wolves. The focus for this spell is a nut fallen from a tree that was struck by lightning. |
(Total: 127 Active Cost, 27 Real Cost) Mind Control 4d6 (Human and Additional Class of Minds: Animal classes of minds), Area Of Effect (One Hex; +½), MegaScale (1" = 10 km; +½), Uncontrolled (+½), Continuous (+1) (105 Active Points); Extra Time (1 Hour, -3), Set Effect (only to cause fear; -½), Only on a forest (-½), Gestures (-¼), Incantations (-¼), IIF Expendable (Easy to obtain new Focus; Nut from a tree struck by lightning; -¼), Does Not Provide Mental Awareness (-¼) (Real Cost: 17) plus Cosmetic Transform 2d6 (Normal forest to sinister, creepy woods), Improved Target Group (Any Plant or Tree; +¼), Area Of Effect (One Hex; +½), MegaScale (1" = 10 km; +½) (22 Active Points); Linked (Mind Control; -½), Gestures (-¼), Incantations (-¼), IIF Expendable (Easy to obtain new Focus; Nut from a tree struck by lightning; -¼) (Real Cost: 10) | 127 |
5 | -5 | Living Wood (Range: 255")
The trees themselves become alive and grab or hit the caster's enemies. |
Telekinesis (15 STR), Area Of Effect (One Hex; +½), Indirect (Any origin, any direction; +¾) (51 Active Points); Only where plants can grow (-¼) | 51 |
1 | -1 | Lore of the Plants
This power allows the Wizard to determine the properties of a particular plant or tree through physical contact. This information can include whether parts of the plant are edible or poisonous, any health effects, what types of objects the plant is suitable for constructing, and so on. Any skills associated with plant knowledge are complementary to this spell. The caster must touch the relevant part of the plant to get meaningful information; for example, only by touching the flowers would he or she know if the flowers are poisonous, and that would give no information about the leaves or roots. |
Detect plant qualities 11- (Unusual Group), Discriminatory, Analyze (13 Active Points); Costs Endurance (-½) | 13 |
4 | -4 | Marching Forest
This impressive spell causes all trees and bushes within a 1km diameter of the Wizard's location to uplift their roots and begin marching in the designated direction. The trees march at a leisurely 2" movement pace, and they cannot cross deep water, barren rock, or any other ground where they are unable to grow. The moving forest can be easily avoided by most creatures, unless they are surprised (an unlikely occurance) in which case they can be crushed by massive tree roots. |
(Total: 36 Active Cost, 8 Real Cost) Major Transform 1d6 (Remove Unable to Walk Limitation), MegaScale (1" = 1 km; +¼), Area Of Effect (One Hex; +½) (26 Active Points); Extra Time (1 Minute, -1 ½), Only affects trees and bushes (-1), Only to move in designated direction at a 2" movement rate (-¾), No Range (-½), Gestures (-¼), Incantations (-¼) (Real Cost: 5) plus Running 2", MegaScale (1" = 1 km; +¼), Costs END Only To Activate (+¼), Usable Simultaneously (up to 2 people at once; +½), Area Of Effect (One Hex; +½) (10 Active Points); Only where bushes and trees can grow (-1), Only to move in designated direction at a 2" movement rate (-¾), Linked (Tree Legs; -½) (Real Cost: 3) | 36 |
2 | -3 | Pass Trees
By means of this spell, the Wizard is able to step into the bole of a tree and emerge from a tree of the same species within range. It is rumored that this spell was originally taught to a Woodland Wizard by an infatuated Wood spirit. |
(Total: 30 Active Cost, 16 Real Cost) Teleportation 10", x4 Noncombat (25 Active Points); Only between two trees of the same species (-1), Incantations (-¼) (Real Cost: 11) plus Teleportation: Floating Fixed Location (1 Locations) (Real Cost: 5) | 30 |
6 | -6 | Paths of Confusion
The caster calls upon the spirits of the wood to confuse the traveler's path and misdirect their ways. Victims of this spell will see trees shifting in the edge of their visions and will have a hard time making intelligent decisions. The effect lasts for twenty minutes from the moment the magic is triggered. |
Negative Skill Levels (-5 with Tracking, Area Knowledge and Perception), Trigger (Activating the Trigger requires a Zero Phase Action, Trigger requires a Turn or more to reset; predefined boundary is crossed; +¼), Area Of Effect (12" Line; +1) (56 Active Points); Extra Time (1 Turn (Post-Segment 12), -1 ¼), Only in forests (-½), 1 Continuing Charge lasting 20 Minutes (-½), Costs Endurance (Only Costs END to Activate; -¼), Incantations (-¼) | 56 |
6 | -7 | Plant Growth (Range: 325")
This spell causes a tremendous growth of foliage within the target area, filling the area with a tangled web of leaves and branches within the brief interval of five minutes. Due to the slow response of the plants, it is unlikely to entangle anyone in the area of effect, unless they are held in some way, but it forms an effective barrier. |
Entangle 2d6, 2 DEF, Area Of Effect Nonselective (32" Long, 2" Tall, 8" Wide Line; +2 ¼) (65 Active Points); OAF Expendable (Difficult to obtain new Focus; a sprinkle of fertilizer and a tangle of briar vine; -1 ¼), Gradual Effect (5 Minutes; -¾), Only where plants grow (-¼), Gestures (-¼), Incantations (-¼) | 65 |
3 | -4 | Plant Trail
Plants bend and move out of the way of the Wizard, leaving a trail through the growth. After a turn, the vegetation returns to its previous position, leaving little sign that anyone passed that way. This spell can also be used to pass through wooden barriers, such as a door, pallisade or bamboo wall. The material component for the spell is a boring beetle or grub. |
Tunneling 5" through 5 DEF material, Fill In (35 Active Points); OAF Expendable (Difficult to obtain new Focus; A boring beetle or grub; -1 ¼), Gestures (Requires both hands; -½), Limited Medium Limited (Only through vegetable material; -½), Tunnel only closes after 1 turn (-¼), Incantations (-¼) | 35 |
6 | -6 | Revivify Wood (Range: 300")
This spell will revivify any type of plant matter no matter what its condition, allowing it to grow into a plant of a type identical to the original. Thus spears, doors, even wood shavings, will sprout leaves and flowers and if put in contact with the earth during the duration of the spell, will take root. Rooted, revivified wood will then grow as a normal plant. If the enlivened object is kept from soil until the spell has ended, the leaves will gradually wither just as a branch removed from a tree would. |
Minor Transform 6d6 (Dead wood to living plant) (60 Active Points); Gradual Effect (1 Hour; -1 ¼), OIF (Wood of the Desired Type; -½), Gestures (-¼), Incantations (-¼) | 60 |
1 | -3 | Secret Paths
Once a wood mage enters a forest he can travel down the secret paths. Following these paths the mage can make himself almost impossible to see, or follow. |
Invisibility to Sight and Hearing Groups , Reduced Endurance (½ END; +¼) (31 Active Points); Only in the forest where plants can grow (-½) | 31 |
4 | -4 | Shape Tree (Range: 200")
This spell causes the target tree to reshape itself into a different form. The tree can be shaped to form a small hut, a lower trunk free of branches, a regular or unusual shape, or even a nest for a Roc or other large flying creature. |
Cosmetic Transform 8d6 (Reshape Tree), Custom Adder (40 Active Points); Limited Target living trees (-½), Gestures (Requires both hands; -½) | 40 |
6 | -6 | Spore Cloud
A thick cloud of pollen is suddenly released from nearby growth, causing those caught within the radius to choke and gag with nausea. Anybody breathing the pollen cloud will be slow to move or react until the effects wear off. An airtight head cover, or lack of need to breathe, will offer immunity to the effects of the pollen. |
Drain DEX 2d6, NND ([Standard]; Defense: Life Support doesnt breathe; +1), Area Of Effect (4" Radius; +1) (60 Active Points); 1 Charge (-2), Costs Endurance (-½), Only where plants can grow (-¼), Gestures (-¼), Incantations (-¼) | 60 |
3 | -4 | Storm of Thorns (Range: 175")
The caster calls on the thorns in the target hex to fly out and attack nearby targets. In addition to hitting anyone in the target hex, the thorns will fly outward, although they will get weaker the farther they are from the target hex. |
RKA 1d6+1 (vs. ED), Indirect (Same origin, always fired away from attacker; +¼), Explosion (+½) (35 Active Points); OIF Immobile (thorn-bearing plant of some kind in the target area; -1 ½), Incantations (-¼) | 35 |
3 | -3 | Swirling Leaves (Range: 165")
The Mage can call a swirling wind to blow all the loose debris up in the air, making it impossible to see or hear anything. |
Darkness to Sight Group and Normal Hearing 3" radius (33 Active Points); Extra Time (Full Phase, -½), Only where plants can grow (-¼), Incantations (-¼) | 33 |
2 | -3 | Transform Plant (Range: 125")
This power enables the Wizard to completely transform one plant species into another of roughly the same size and mass. The focus for the spell is a seed from the plant species which will result from the transformation. |
Minor Transform 2d6, Improved Target Group (any plant; +¼) (25 Active Points); Extra Time (1 Turn (Post-Segment 12), -1 ¼), OAF Fragile Expendable (Easy to obtain new Focus; Seed from new plant species; -1 ¼), Incantations (-¼) | 25 |
4 | -6 | Visions of the Forest
The caster contacts the tree spirits and talks to them. From them he can find out who is in the wood, and what they are doing, but the information that can be garnered from the spirits is always rather vague and generic -- they could tell the caster if there were men in the forest and roughly their numbers, but they would not distinguish between humans and elves or orcs, or between male and female. They could describe colour, but they might not distinguish between skin colour and clothing, for example. |
(Total: 61 Active Cost, 15 Real Cost) Clairsentience (Hearing Group), x16 Range (1,600") (40 Active Points); Extra Time (5 Minutes, -2), Incantations (Requires Incantations throughout; -½), Vague and Unclear (-½), Only where plants can grow (-¼), Linked (Detect Intruders; -¼) (Real Cost: 9) plus Detect intruders in the forest 11- (Unusual Group), Increased Arc Of Perception (360 Degrees), Range, Telescopic: +16 (21 Active Points); Extra Time (5 Minutes, -2), Only where plants can grow (-¼), Information is vague and generic (-¼) (Real Cost: 6) | 61 |
14 | -14 | Wall of Thorns
Creates a barrier of spiny growth covered in dark, hard thorns that tear and rip at anyone attempting to move through. The further into the growth a target penetrates, the more cuts and jabs he accumulates. Anybody remaining stationary (or moving very carefully) within the growth, however, suffers no additional damage. The growth will remain in place for about ten minutes, and then will subside back to its usual state. |
Energy Blast 8d6 (vs. PD), Lingering up to 10 Minutes (+1), Area Of Effect (32" Long, 1" Tall, 4" Wide Line; +1 ½) (140 Active Points); Only 2d6 damage per 1" moved through thorns (-1), OAF Expendable (Easy to obtain new Focus; a tangle of briar vines; -1), No Range (-½), No Knockback (-¼), Only where plants can grow (-¼), Gestures (-¼), Incantations (-¼) | 140 |
4 | -5 | Warriors of the Dark Wood
This is another Dark spell used by plant and nature mages, and it is truly black. The spell calls forth four tree spirits that have been turned evil by a black magic ritual. The Summoned warriors will generally do as they are commanded for a short time because of the blood ritual. After they have done their task they will grow into a black mass of thorn bushes. |
Summon 4 100-point creatures, Friendly (+¼), Difficult To Dispel (x2 Active Points; +¼) (45 Active Points); OAF Bulky Expendable (Very Difficult to obtain new Focus; requires a human sacrifice; -2), Extra Time (Full Phase, -½), Gestures (Requires both hands; -½), Only where plants can grow (-¼), Incantations (-¼) | 45 |
4 | -5 | Weeds (Range: 225")
The targeted area of ground becomes overgrown with weeds, as a result appearing disused or poorly maintained. The weeds will continue to appear even if plucked, until the magical effect is dispelled. This spell has little practical use, other than to hide a trail or embarrass a proud gardener. |
Change Environment 16" radius, Long-Lasting Permanent (45 Active Points); OAF (a sprinkling of weed seeds; -1), Gestures (-¼), Incantations (-¼) | 45 |
4 | -4 | Wood Shaping (Range: 200")
The caster speeds and directs the growth of wood. The subject wood can range from a sapling to an old tent peg - it doesn't matter - the caster can make it grow.
This spell also allows the caster to warp the wood into another shape. These new shape can be anything from simple wood sculpture to a permanent structure made out of a living tree. |
Minor Transform 2d6 (wooden target into any other wooden object), Any wooden object (+1) (40 Active Points); Extra Time (1 Turn (Post-Segment 12), -1 ¼), Gestures, Requires Gestures throughout (-½), Incantations (Requires Incantations throughout; -½), Only where plants can grow (-¼) | 40 |
4 | -5 | Woods Grasp (Range: 225")
At the caster's command, the woods come alive and grab everything in the hex of the caster's choice. |
Entangle 2d6, 2 DEF, Area Of Effect (One Hex; +½), Indirect (Any origin, any direction; +¾) (45 Active Points); Only where plants can grow (-¼), Gestures (-¼), Incantations (-¼) | 45 |
5 | -12 | Wrath of the Green Wood (Range: 600")
To slow an onrush of attackers the Mage may call upon the forces of nature to place a barrier between himself and them. The Mage says the words and all the plant life between himself and the attackers grows and pushes back, grabs, or strikes those who wish to do harm to the Mage. |
Telekinesis (20 STR), Reduced Endurance (½ END; +¼), Area Of Effect (256" Radius; +2 ½), Selective (+¼) (120 Active Points); Extra Time (Full Phase, -½), Only where plants can grow (-¼), Incantations (-¼) | 120 |