All prices are quoted in shillings, and are average prices for the equipment type -- actual prices may vary considerably, depending on availability and demand.

Characters who wish to go into greater detail than that presented below can specify defences and activation rolls for each hit location, but be warned that this increased level of detail can slow combat a great deal and should probably be used only for very important combats.

TypeCoverageDEFSTR MinCost
Cloth/HidesTo Full13None
Leather Shirt11-2520
Leather Hauberk13-2750
Studded Shirt11-38200
Studded Hauberk13-310350
Ringmail Shirt (1)11-410400
Ringmail Hauberk(2)13-412600
Scale Shirt11-511500
Scale Hauberk(2)13-513750
Chain Shirt(2)11-614900
Chain Hauberk(2)13-614900
Full Chain (3)15-6151200
Lamellar Shirt(3)11-711900
Lamellar Hauberk(4)13-713900
Chain & Plate(3),*11-8 (4)182000
Part. Plate Mail(3),*13-8 (4)173500
Full Plate Mail (4),*15-8 (4)194000
Plate Armour (4)Full9226500+
* A Failed Activation Roll uses the DEF shown in brackets
(1) Could also be Brigandine
(2) -1 OCV with Bows, -1 to DEX-roll
(3) -3 OCV with Bows, -2 to DEX-roll
(4) Cannot use a bow, -3 to DEX-roll
For every TWO (2) POINTS under the STR minimum (round against wearer), the wearer suffers a -1 DCV and -1 to all DEX-based skill rolls. Additionally, the DEX penalty is applied to Magic Skill Rolls for spells requiring Gestures
Warrior-trained characters may buy Armour Proficiency. For every 1 point spent, they can offset the STR Min of armor by two (2) points. Max allowed is 3 points worth (-6 STR Min).
Additional layers of armour provide diminishing returns in terms of protection. The Character receives full DEF value for the best armour covering the location, ½ DEF for the next best armour, ¼ DEF for the next, and so-on. Encumbrance for all armour worn is, of course, cumulative.
Caps+1 Activation to Armour
Open Faced Helms+1 Activation to Armour, -3 Hearing PER, -1 REC
Full Helms+2 Activation, -4 PER, -2 REC
Mail Coif+2 Activation, -3 Hearing PER, -1 REC
Helmets restrict peripheral and even straight on hearing, sight and smell PER, and are heavy and stuffy, reducing REC. Full REC and PER are regained as soon as the helm is taken off. REC and PER penalties are cumulative.

The Armour Activation bonuses do not add; just assume the largest bonus applies. For example, a mail coif and cap increases armour activation by +2, while a full helm and mail coif's bonus remains at +2.

For every 3 Points of STR below STR Min (partial counts), lose one DCV+