Throwing Things Around

The distance and precision with which an object can be thrown is dependent on its weight and shape, on the strength of the thrower, and how the object is thrown.

The baseline balanced, aerodynamic weight a character can can throw at full effect is 10% of his or her Maximum Medium Load (MML).

This will allow a Range Increment of 10' (maximum range of 5 Range Increments, as with other thrown objects) and damage of 1d3 plus any Strength modifier. If the object is a weapon designed for throwing, it does its weapon damage plus any Strength modifier. Almost any weapon designed for throwing will be both balanced and aerodynamic (see table below).

Object is:ExampleTo-Hit Penalty:
Balanced AND aerodynamicSpear, round stone, throwing axe±0
Balanced OR aerodynamicSack of pumpkins, a cooperating person-2
Neither balanced nor aerodynamicAn enraged tomcat, a pony cart, a throne-4


Each of them throws a 5 pound goblin's head as hard and as far as they can.

The DM decides that a goblin's head is balanced, but not particularly aerodynamic, so they are all at a penalty of -2 to hit the target.

There will have to be a certain amount of common sense used in determining exactly how far or hard something can be thrown. A huge inflated tarrasque's bladder, for example, wouldn't be able to be thrown very far in spite of its light weight — it would be too unwieldy to handle, and air resistance would reduce its velocity very rapidly. If in doubt, just remember that THE D.M. IS ALWAYS RIGHT.