Preparing Material Components for Spell-Casting

The length of time it takes to prepare material components for a spell depends largely on the unwieldiness of the objects being manipulated. This rule is designed to account for those small bits and pieces which wizards keep about themselves which aren't large or expensive enough to be accounted for individually.

The caster must make a SEARCH roll against the following Difficulty Classes to be able to prepare the components as a Free Action:

SituationSearch Roll DC
To retrieve spell components from an organised container with which the caster is familiar (e.g. a specialised compartmentalised component satchel)10
To retrieve spell components from a disorganised container, OR one with which the caster is unfamiliar (e.g. a simple pouch with components loose inside, or someone else's component satchel)15
To retrieve spell components from a disorganised AND unfamiliar container (e.g. someone else's Sack O' Stuff)20

If the roll is failed by 5 or less, then the Free Action to prepare the spell components is converted to a Standard Action

If the roll is failed by more than 5, then the spell components are not located that round, and the process must be repeated in the following round.